Glass lined reactor with high anti-corrossion performance and favorable price has been widely used in the fields of chemicals,petrochemicals,pharamceuticals,food stuff,dyes and scientific etc, to know about the technical perfomance is very important for you to chose the most suitable configuration of Glass lined reactor,thus not only to be suitable the using but also can save money for you, here introduce the tecnical performance for your reference as following:1. The working temperature: from -20 degree centigrade to 200 degree centigrade; the coolong shock:less than 110 degree centigrade; the thermal shock: less than 120 degree centigrade; in the using process, the heating up or cooling up should be done slowly,stictly forbid quickly or suddenly heating up or cooling up. 2. The working pressure: inside vessel: the max is 1.0Mpa,inside the jacket: the max is 0.6Mpa.(here to confirm the correct working pressure inside vesssel is very important for the price, if less than 0.4Mpa,can use 212 type single mechanical seal,if more than 0.4Mpa and less than 1.0Mpa, must use double mechanical seal,the double mechanical is too much more expensive than the single mechanical seal, so please confirm the working pressure carefully).3. Applicable process and material: applying in the process of reaction process of various density organic acids, inorganic acid acid, organic solvents, weak alkali and so on.When ordering Glass lined reactor, please confirm above things with us well, thus we can help you to get the most satisfactory Glass lined reactor for your actual using with high quality and most favorable price.Zibo CNCHEM Equipment Co.,Ltd--Int's sales Department